Integrate seamless with Google Calendar so you never double book again
Create your own profile page!
Make your own cool custom profile page with your special event cards!
Our clients already have used this profile page for their networking party and their own communication! Build up your own custom event cards and communicate with your networks and people!
Group Scheduling
Make it easy for multiple stakeholders. Seamlessly integrates with multiple calendars while maintaining privacy.
Third Party Scheduling
Schedule with candidates, external stakeholders and more seamlessly. No more wasted time emailing back and forth.
“When we send sendtime scheduling link, we have achieved a 100% meeting success rate. For our team, saving 10-20 minutesis the most important. With sendtime, we have saved 4h/a week and it means we have saved $24 milion in ARR.“
Jinwoo Kim CRO, Vreview
"I am a manager who is responsible for connecting over 50 mentors and mentees. There were times when I spent the entire day scheduling, but with Sendtime, all scheduling tasks disappeared. We can never go back to the way things were before!"